The Institute for Benin Studies is a registered non-profit and non-government organisation founded in 1997 after the centenary conference in commemoration of the British invasion of Benin Kingdom. The Directors and membership cut across academics and professionals, dedicated to the study of the history, culture and ethical values of Edo-Speaking people, and Nigeria in general. To promote the realisation of these shared objectives, the Institute has organised workshops, lectures and international conferences in collaboration with local and international institutions; it has published books, monographs as well as supported other projects/programmes geared towards genuine Edo regeneration. The mission of the institute is to initiate programmes and projects, to promote the study, documentation, preservation and propagation of the language, history, traditions and cultural values, which form the bedrock of the heritage of EDO-SPEAKING PEOPLE, as represented by the ancient Benin Empire.
The Institute holds an open library with rare collections of books by Benin authors and audio-visual archival materials that are made accessible to the public. For more information regarding access to the research material hosted at the Institute, please contact: